Monday, April 23, 2007


Muttluks has really come through for us. This is their 3rd year sending us a donation for our Grand Slam. This year, they sent us 3 sets of boots. Small, medium and large. So if you have a smaller dog, now's your chance to get a pair for them too!

This was taken from their website:

Muttluks continue to be the preferred boot of choice for dog owners. The company’s high quality boots for dogs are now available across the United States, Canada, and Internationally.

"Since the company began in 1994," says Marianne Bertrand, President and founder of Muttluks Inc. "we have constantly developed and improved Muttluks to make a better product. Muttluks today are even better than when we started because we listen to the comments and suggestions from people who use and sell our products."

Muttluks have evolved through constant testing in all weather conditions across Canada and the United States.

We invite you to browse through our site and check out our high quality boots for dogs. You can also read what Muttluks customers say about the product as well as some of our media coverage. Thanks for visiting Muttluks, we look forward to hearing from you and hope your dog enjoys his/her Muttluks.

And here is a picture of Bullet (Tracy's Giant) wearing Muttluks while sledding this winter. Bullet won his Muttluks at our last Grand Slam

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